
Mighty Net
Startup Talk
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Cup
3D Drafting Courses
Fundraising Experience Talk
Educational Support Dogs Story Talk
Startup Guidance
Social Enterprise USR Workshop
CEO+ Entrepreneurship Courses
Micro-enterprise Market
Entrepreneurship Courses
"You may change the Future" Starting Up Challenge
Zhuolan Township
SLpear Social Corporation
Teacher Training Courses
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Where are we ?

CYCU StartUP !

Chung Yuan Christian University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center has held various of business guidance and entrepreneurship skills learning lectures. With the integration of entrepreneurship courses, entrepreneurship competition, entrepreneurship mentors and venture capital, several complete competitions were established, which allowed students, alumnus, and faculties to acquire necessary skills and proficiency in entrepreneurship during the courses. In addition, the required competence in entrepreneurship can be experienced throughout the competition as well. Last but not least, teams and investment funds will be perfectly matched under the guidance of professional mentors. Join us, and make your entrepreneurship dream come true!

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